Lake Superior sunset

posted in: My own projects | 2

18*12 oil on stretched canvas August 2015

The reference photograph I used this time came from the talented photographer Bryan Hansel. He has lots of Duluth and lake Superior photos and gladly agreed to share his pieces of art with me!




At this picture sun sends a beam of sun across the water on Lake Superior near Grand Marais, Cook County, Minnesota.

I thought here the hard part for me would be the rocks with all the possible combinations of light and dark sides. Later on the process of rock’s creation turned out to be brilliant opportunity to practice seeing those shades and transferring them into canvas.

As usual I started with the top part and finished with the rocks. The sky was an easy task to paint with my favorite combination of purple, blue and pink. Same was with the water making it a little darker on the horizon according to all the painting rules.

It was a real pleasure mixing all the different colors for the rocks. Who knew that it could be no only different combinations of ochre and sienna , but also french ultramarine, purple and yellow? The tricky part was to create proper strokes direction to show the vertical vs horizontal lines.

Please see the progress pictures and the final image:

IMG_3277 IMG_3278 IMG_3279


Lake Superior sunset 20*16Cheers,

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