No magic here-just years of hard work

posted in: Workshops | 2

There is a wonderful artist in the twin cities area – Suzann Beck. I had a chance of visiting her studio during the open house of the California building art studios , where she charmed me with the beauty of her works! I signed up for her email list at that time. Several months later i got an email inviting everyone to see her demonstrate an Alla Prima portrait from live model. Of course i went to witness that.

What must i say? That was the most captivating and almost hypnotic demo i have ever seen! Suzann answered all my dummy questions patiently (thank you for that!). She kept sliding into teaching format, giving tips and tons of info on how to although it was supposed to be just a demo. I am grateful for that too!

Those are some pics i took during the session. They picture the progress of the work. Please have a look:



























During the demo i said that what was happening in front of my eyes could not be real and it was magic, to which Suzann replied : “No magic here – just years of hard work”. Suzann, to me you are a magician anyways 🙂

The model was great! He sat still the whole session (3 hours!) with several short breaks. I must admit the artist and the model worked professionally! Thank you! I will definitely try to witness the next demo on March 13th.


the name of the cafe the demonstration took place in was “Mojo” which means “magic” 😉 and that is not a coincidence!

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