Mediterranean motive

posted in: Online lessons | 7

It is a 10*10 stretched canvas painted with the help of the Igor Sakharov youtube lesson, which you can find in the hyperlink provided.

Here is a  pic of work in progress that you might find (like i do) interesting to look at:

For the blue underpainting i used water mixable oil paints and regular oil paints with the rest of the painting. Underpainting was created with the brush and all the rest – with palette knife. This was my first time working  with a building. The technique is similar to creating the rocks (like in these paintings: “The lighthouse” and “Sea at the sunset” ). The keen strokes of the palette knife create the look and feel of a rock.

I loved creating the shadows and lights: basically one touch of a palette knife produces whole range of some mysterious objects in the shadow. To me it is pure magic. I also enjoyed forming the plants and the flowers with the thick paints (aka impasto technique). With the proper lightning in the room the plants and the flowers do stand out.



Overall, the creating this painting was fun and easy and took no more than 3 hours to complete. I wonder what would professional artists say regarding it 😉

Here are some pictures to show off the painting’s finest features:

image image




You can find the painting in my etsy shop:





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